Norway leads the lower classes

Bakkerud and Enerberg fastest. Fastest in timed practice, Johan Larsson had to settle for second when he was beaten by...

With a little help from my friend

Andreas Bakkerud to Lydden victory with aid of Petter Solberg. After his victory in the ERC opener at the Lydden Hill Race...

Isachsen takes the first

Norwegians dominate. Sverre Isachsen, Andreas Bakkerud and Lars Øivind Enerberg made it a full house of Norwegian victories at Lydden...

Pressure mounting

Super1600 pole secured as Supercars get wild. The temperature of the competition is rising and the pressure is beginning to...

Norway’s day in England

Isachsen, Bakkerud and Enerberg fastest. The first qualifying heat has been completed with few problems. Champion Sverre Isachsen has ended...