Isachsen takes the first

by Tim Whittington |

Norwegians dominate.

Sverre Isachsen, Andreas Bakkerud and Lars Øivind Enerberg made it a full house of Norwegian victories at Lydden, the three taking relatively easy wins in the A finals, only Enerberg of the three having to tussle for his win – and that first corner clash later the subject of a protest from TouringCar champion Derek Tohill.

Isachsen led the Supercar A final from the start, the interest behind the champion who kept a watching eye on the water temperature of his Ford’s engine throughout. Davy Jeanney ran second for most of the race, but Marc Laboulle had taken an early Joker Lap and then cut past his compatriot when he took his turn in the alternative. The two Frenchmen then flanked Isachsen on the podium with Liam Doran hauling his misfiring Citroën home in fourth place.

Bakkerud was never troubled as he led the Super1600 A final from lights to flag. Julian Godfrey took a hard earned second place, regaining the place from Zdeněk Čermák in the last lap.

Tohill had the best start to the TouringCar A final, but there was contact in the first corner where Enerberg went ahead. Tohill later lost more ground when he exited the Joker Lap and found himself in the midst of a battle between Koen Pauwels and Per Magne Røyrås.

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