Isachsen’s third
Skorupski and Častoral take the classes. It was closer than it had been during the heats, but Sverre Isachsen gained...
Skorupski and Častoral take the classes. It was closer than it had been during the heats, but Sverre Isachsen gained...
Isachsen on pole. Skorupski and Enerberg fastest. We are in that zone again; Sverre Isachsen has the prospect of a...
Isachsen, Petrakovits and Častoral go fastest in the first heat. Resumed after the fire that damaged Morte Bermingrud’s Citroën, the...
Sverre Isachsen, Christian Petrakovits and Roman Castoral have led the way in timed practice. few had problems: Krzysztof Skorpuski denied...
Norwegian veteran stymied by engine trouble. Free practice has been completed with little in the way of drama or incident...
Münnich, Volland and Častoral scoring Estering victories. Round four of the German Rallycross Championship was held in front of 1500+...