Patrick ponders
No more 2011 racing for Mertens. TouringCar racer Patrick Mertens has spent this weekend in the spectator area, and does...
No more 2011 racing for Mertens. TouringCar racer Patrick Mertens has spent this weekend in the spectator area, and does...
Champion was number #13 on the Devil’s Hill. Well, this wasn’t what we expected. The idea of the #13 feature...
New winners across the board in Belgium. The record book writers will be busy tonight. The Belgian round of the...
The warm-up session is on track now, drivers checking cars and track conditions ahead of what is promised to...
Isachsen gets a warning. Enerberg and Leppihalme lead classes. The first qualifying heat ended with Ludvig Hunsbedt snatching a last...
Enerberg and Johansson lead classes in wet-dry session. Timed practice was run in mixed conditions, the Super1600 runners going first...