KHM – Great Britain
Media gallery for Kenneth Hansen Motorsport, FIA European Championships for Rallycross Drivers, round one, Lydden Hill, Great Britain, 23-25.04.11
Media gallery for Kenneth Hansen Motorsport, FIA European Championships for Rallycross Drivers, round one, Lydden Hill, Great Britain, 23-25.04.11
Media gallery for Derek Tohil, FIA European Championships for Rallycross Drivers, round one, Lydden Hill, Great Britain, 23-25.04.11
Click the link below for times from the first free practice session. All – Free Practice 1-laptimes
Tech problems end DS3 debut. Super1600 front runner David Johansson has high hopes for his new Citroën DS3 but has...
The official list of starters for round one of the 2011 FIA European Championships for Rallycross Drivers. Click link to...
Potential of new cars played down. Two of the newest cars in the paddock are also two on which many...