Unusual cars dept.

by Rallycross World |

Frenchman Denis Marcel in three different cars from the 1980s. From 1984 at Brands Hatch in a Matra Murena (one of several used by different drivers in France), this from Politecnic and with a ROC motor and four-wheel drive. From the beautiful to the, well… Peugeot 505! Marcel used the running gear from the Matra in the boxy Peugeot for 1987 and 1988, this is at Loheac in ’88. A Porsche from the Kumpen stable brought problems for Marcel in 1989 when he ran the car under appeal (scrutineers said its spaceframe chassis did not meet the rules). Marcel eventually gave up on the car and switched to a Peugeot 205 T16 and was later handed a licence suspension because of the technical dispute over the Porsche.

Rallycross World | Denis Marcel, Matra Murena,_Brands Hatch_08-09.12@2x
Rallycross World | Denis Marcel, Peugeot 505_Loheac_FRA_1988@2x
Rallycross World | Denis Marcel, Porcshe 911, Porcshe 959_Luneville_FRA___.06@2x
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